The following snippet gets value from csv-file and write it to Error log.

You can just replace command "log" be needed commands in the line "get-value $table "a1" 0 | log" and use the value of table for your purpose.
Procedures "index-of" and "get-value" can be added to ECL context.

proc "index-of" [val list -input] [val item] {

    $list | each [val elem] [val index] {

        if [$elem | eq $item] { $index }

    } | to-list | get 0 [int "-1"]



proc "get-value" [val table] [val columnName] [val rowNumber] { // this proc return value from columnName column rowNumber row

    let [val columnIndex [$table | get columns | to-list | index-of $columnName]] {

        $table | get rows | to-list

               | get $rowNumber | get values |to-list

               | get $columnIndex




 let [val table [read-csv-file "file:/temp/read-csv.csv"]] { // read table from csv-file

    get-value $table "a1" 0 | log // this line write to Error log value from column a1 row 0



With the table:
this snippet will write to Error log value 1.